Calendar - Click on an event for more details.

Julie_-_-_Ghosst: HMU. Looking good n looking for fun. Here or KIK. KIK is better.
2d ago
Crazid: Im horny!!!!
Alexiacdgirl: I wished there was a party today or something lol I’m super horny <3
Junep001: See you on Saturday, Alexia
Caulkbrah: Hosting in chatsworth tonight.
jose3103: Hi Alexia
jose3103: Hi everyone
jose3103: Who’s looking for some fun
Julie_-_-_Ghosst: I am looking
BigBubbleBooty: Want to swallow badly
Julie_-_-_Ghosst: Dressed and ready to go. HMU. No endless messages. Serious people only.
Julie_-_-_Ghosst: Kinda whack when you take your time to look hot AF and get cancelled on.
Lex_Peters: Yes Julie that really sucks.
Julie_-_-_Ghosst: To be expected. These guys just wanna as a milion questions then flake.
Deepthoath14: Getting more closer to Slutfest how exciting!
DaBaddestBitchhhhh: Who’s in northridge rn ?
Lex_Peters: so horny now and my cock is so hard.
VtheBrownD: Julie that sucks
VtheBrownD: @DaBaddestBitchhhhh I live in Northridge.
Lex_Peters: anyone in LA want to fuck?
Step-Dad: Anybody in Torrance this morning?
23h ago
fetishpenelope: good morning everyone
21h ago
something-clever01: Elysian Park looking for daytime play
20h ago
Jay1247: Good morning ladies
20h ago
Jay1247: Anyone hosting after 1pm
20h ago
Jay1247: Hi Cassandra
20h ago
Jay1247: Hi Fawn
20h ago
Latino179996: Long Beach any sluts want d
19h ago
BigBubbleBooty: Northridge anyone
17h ago
Jesse6321: Hi girls any available to play
17h ago
taco2zday: Hi from van Nuys airport
17h ago
Junep001: Undecided if im able to go tonight
17h ago
Jesse6321: June
17h ago
Angelsexycd: Hello, i decided to dress early today
15h ago
Jesse6321: Mmmmm
15h ago
Megan: Moaning
15h ago
Jesse6321: Moaning
14h ago
Alexiacdgirl: Hi everyone <3
14h ago
Jesse6321: Hi Alec
14h ago
Jesse6321: Hi Alexia
14h ago
Alexiacdgirl: I’m stuck at work until 11 :(
13h ago
Alexiacdgirl: no sex for me tonight :( so sad ..
13h ago
Jesse6321: Nooooooo
13h ago
Jesse6321: You host the Slutfest babe
13h ago
Alexiacdgirl: Yes this Saturday ♥️
13h ago
Jesse6321: Mmmmmmm
13h ago
Jesse6321: You the best Alexxia
13h ago
Megan: and here i thought i was the best! ))-:
12h ago
Jesse6321: Daisy
12h ago
12h ago
alexxxawhore: Hi everyone fully dressed up but no one to play whit
12h ago
Alexiacdgirl: I’m in the mood to fuck another girl so bad 💦😍
12h ago
CasadoInfiel: Any girl need ride to van nuys party tonight ?
11h ago
alexxxawhore: Alexia would you fuck me
11h ago
Alexiacdgirl: Yes :)
11h ago
Playplay: Anyone want to play
10h ago
Imhohn1: Car fun anyone?
9h ago
Junep001: Have fun tonight guys
9h ago
JawjckerJakey: If any girls want to have fun on the beach I live right by Santa monica
8h ago
JawjckerJakey: Mutual mucho jack off circle at Alexia event on the 8th ;D
8h ago
818doll_Jocelyn: Who going?
8h ago
Junep001: Not me, Jocelyn
8h ago
Junep001: hope to see you on Saturday
8h ago
818doll_Jocelyn: Ok pues see you Saturday 🤗
8h ago
admin: Playhouse is open and heater is on keeping the girls nice and warm for you. Come on down boys!
6h ago
Smucks661: Is it packed ?
6h ago
JessicaYessica: Anyone hosting tonight? Kik Jessicayessicaessica put USA in first pm
6h ago
Smucks661: Is there still folks there ?
6h ago
Bigblack30: Need my dick sucked tonight
5h ago
Bryant951: Kik bryant521
5h ago

We run off donations:

• Free for Women, TGirls, CD's

• Single Men: $40

• Couples*: T/M, M/F Couples - any donation suggested

*Couples must arrive together at the same time, same car. No waiting around for dates on location!


We have the same rules and policies for all our parties.

• Always ask before touching or you will be thrown out of the party.
• Always shower before arriving to a party. Please douche if you plan on having anal sex.
• No means no. Always be respectful.
• No alcohol or drugs are allowed in the club. Intoxicated individuals will be turned away at the door.
• We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding any form of prostitution.
• Any individual caught offering, requesting, giving or receiving money for sex will be banned forever.
• No weapons of any kind are allowed in our parties.
• Please leave valuables at home or in the trunk of your car.
• Parties always end right at the stated times.
• Safe sex only. We provide free condoms and lube, please use them.
• Bring your own over-sized condoms.
• No playing in the bathrooms.
• Throw all the garbage in the garbage cans.
• Couples must arrive together. Single men may not stand around the venues waiting for dates.
• Posting the private party address on the web is not allowed.
• Girls can arrive 1 hour before each party to get ready in private.
• No attitude allowed. We only want nice people at our parties.
• Do not write and ask us who will be at the party. We cannot predict the future.









Welcome to ClubSexAddict.com • Finally, a sex club for EVERYONE! • Three Locations: L.A. (Van Nuys), San Diego, South Bay (LAX)

L.A Addresses write to unitedsexaddicts@gmail.com

San Diego address write to: PrivatePartySD@gmail.com

South Bay (near LAX) address write to: SoBaySexAddict@gmail.com

*Please specify which city and party you are interested in when contacting us.


Safe Sex Always

Safer Sex
More than condoms - thinking and acting safe sex

What is Safer Sex?
It is all forms of sex that protect you against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Doesn't Sound Like Much Fun Really?
All of the following include safe sex.
    •    Cuddling, stroking and kissing
    •    Vaginal sex with a condom and a water-based gel such as KY Jelly
    •    Massage
    •    Rubbing
    •    Anal sex with a condom and a water-based gel
    •    Mutual masturbation
    •    Masturbation
    •    Oral sex with a dam/Lollye (a thin square of latex which fits over the vagina or anus) or a condom covering the penis

Emily, 17: "I was at a party and there was this guy who kept going on an on about how he wanted to sleep with me. But he didn't have any condoms and neither did I, so I just told him it wasn't going to happen. Then I kept drinking and the next thing I know I wake up with him on top of me having a good time and I thought: You Prick!"
Alcohol and drugs are half the fun of going to a party. But it's important to know when you switch from "having fun" to "being out of it".
If you're too stoned or drunk to know what you are doing, you are putting yourself at risk…of having unsafe sex; of having sex when you didn't really want it or having sex when you definitely didn't want it, which is rape.

You could wake up with more than a hangover. You could wake up pregnant, with a sexually transmitted infection or just feeling rotten about yourself. It's not worth it.

Party Rules
    •    Decide how much you're going to have BEFORE you go out and stick to it
    •    Slow down the effects of drinking before you go out by having something to eat and drinking water, not alcohol, when you're thirsty
    •    Hang out with people you trust
    •    Agree with a friend beforehand to tell you when you're making a fool of yourself. Agree to do the same for your friend when they get off their face
    •    Do not stick with anyone if they're making you feel uncomfortable to pressuring you
    •    Say no at any time if you want to
    •    If you think you might end up having sex, take a condom
    •    Plan how you're going to get home. Don't just get into any car when it's time to leave.
*these suggestions come from an education kit called "Rethinking Drinking"

If you inject drugs you put yourself at risk of getting
    •    Hepatitis C
    •    Hepatitis B
    •    HIV

If you share needles, syringes, swabs, spoons, filters, tourniquets, water or mix that has a used fit in it.
Injecting drugs is a risk so, if you want to use drugs how about trying:
    •    Swallowing, smoking or snorting the drug instead


If you are going to inject, make sure you
    •    Always use a new needles and syringe
    •    Never share needles even with your boyfriend or girlfriend
    •    Always use new and sterile equipment including swabs, water, mix, spoons, needles and syringes
    •    If you can't get a new needle and syringe, only re-use your own as bleach doesn't kill Hepatitis C. Get into the habit of rinsing your equipment with water straight after use as this is the best way to get rid of any blood
    •    Remember, just because you can't see any blood on a syringe, it doesn't mean that it is free of the virus
    •    Always wash your hands immediately before and after injecting yourself or anyone else
    •    Dispose of syringes and needles in a safe, disposable container.

Are tattoos and body piercing safe?
Always get a tattoo or piercing done at a licensed studio that uses disposable needles or sterilises the needles it reuses (in an autoclave, which heats the equipment to such a high temperature that it kills off any viruses).

It may seem odd, but you are at greatest risk of catching an infection from piercings done at home, using borrowed rings and studs.

While licensed tattoo and body piercing studios are expensive they are safe. Remember, you only want the tattoo for life not a disease.

Sexually transmitted infections are diseases that can be transmitted between people when they have vaginal, oral or anal sex. Other diseases such as herpes can also be transmitted via skin-to-skin contact.

You can have an STI:
    •    At any age
    •    And not know about it for months even years as you may be infected but have no symptoms
    •    And infect others without knowing it
    •    And become infertile if it remains untreated
    •    Even after the symptoms have been treated
    •    And, with the right treatment, often be completely cured.

If you have had sex and you start to experience the following symptoms see your doctor or Family Planning Victoria.
    •    Unusual vaginal bleeding
    •    A discharge (like snot) from the penis or vagina
    •    Sores, lumps or rashes around or on the penis, anus or vagina
    •    Burning feeling when you urinate
    •    Itching around the vagina, penis or anus.

Remember if you have had sex without a condom you may still be infected with an STI even though you have no symptoms. So go and see a doctor if you think you might be at risk.
It's no big deal - many STIs can be treated.

How Can I Protect Myself Against Getting an STI

Safe sex doesn't have to involve penetration either orally, vaginally or anally. There are other ways to have satisfying sex that is safe.

Try the Three Ms
    •    Mutual masturbation
    •    Masturbation while talking about sex
    •    Massage.

But even if you avoid penetration or you use a condom, it is still possible to pass on some infections such as genital warts just through skin-to-skin contact and oral herpes can be transmitted through kissing.

If you think you might be at risk of having a sexually transmitted infection see your doctor.

How Do I Get My Partner to Wear a Condom?

Tell him
    •    That it will reduce his chances of infection
    •    If he won't wear a condom, then it's OK to try other types of sex such as masturbation
    •    If he wants to have vaginal, anal or even oral sex — then it's got to be with a condom
    •    Try using a female condom.

Mira Mesa
Mira Mesa (San Diego)
Located in Mira Mesa by the 5/805 freeway split. It has multiple rooms, BDSM equipment, and a Parking lot for everyone. A Password is required for this party.

For questions write to: ClubSexAddict@gmail.com

South Bay
South Bay, L.A. (Near LAX Airport)
Our newest location is in a huge club space with lots of kinky decor and interesting play space. It's located right across the street from LAX. It has two stages, 5 rooms, and lots of couches for socializing. There is also a dressing room for the girls. This is a private location and you must know the address and password to enter.
For questions write to: SoBaySexAddict@gmail.com
Van Nuys
Van Nuys (Los Angeles)
Located in the San Fernando Valley. It has multiple rooms, dressing room for girls, and a Parking lot for TGirls and couples. A Password is required for this party.
For questions write to: ClubSexAddict@gmail.com
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